Redecorating & organizing my home office space, part 1: taking stock
One of the projects I've been thinking about tackling for... probably too long... is our office space. I don't mind it, but it lacks personality, cohesion, or comfort. It's just a space where I go to work throughout the day, and then I'm out at night.
So, in the spirit of writing more, I'm jotting down the process as I walk through it — starting today by taking stock of what I have, what I like, and what I don't. I'm also opening it up here to crowd-source some thoughts, so feel free to comment below or on whatever site you find this post on!
Let's start with some pictures:

What's working for me:
- The desk is great. It's a big, Fully standing desk, and I love the light-tone wood.
- My chair is also great. Big fan of that thing.
- The tech I use works — I went from two monitors to one, and everything else gives me no problems.
- Lots of storage space! Which... also isn't working. More on that below.
- Overall cleanliness. I get overwhelmed in maximalist spaces. I love it for other people, but it's not for me.
What isn't working for me:
- As I mentioned above, it's cold and lacks personality or cohesion. I've got various knick-knacks scattered about because I just wanted to put something on the shelves, but they don't mean anything.
- It's also not very "mature," which I'm definitely not, but the gamer stuff and the Nanoleaf lights near my monitor are kinda growing old to me. I don't mind the Nanoleaf lines on the back wall, they're subtle enough to work for an interesting backdrop when I'm on camera.
- Speaking of, I'm on camera often, so I like having something behind me that's interesting in some way.
- My Destiny stuff could probably stand to be put in storage. I stopped playing the game.
- I'd love more artwork on the walls.
- Also, while being great, all the storage space leads to me pack-ratting stuff. Pretty much every drawer looks like the shot below. Or the drawer is almost empty except for a few random things.

To wrap it up:
My office is fine but could use some attention. I plan to drop some things (the knick-knacks, gamer stuff, lights, etc.) and add others, like artwork, meaningful objects, etc. I'll also tidy up my drawers with a solid purge of junk.
I'd love some light behind my monitor if I get rid of the Nanoleaf. Some days it gets dark in that little corner, and having something bright there is good.
See anything that stands out? Want to rib me for my utter lack of personality in the office space? Have any suggestions? Hit me with a comment or shoot me an email. Thanks for reading! See you back here for part two.
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