Monthly Wrap-up, Jan 2023

Kicking off the new year with a little list wrap-up of my goings-on in January 2023.
  • Launched Denver Tech Social Club
  • Launched Denver Tech Community
  • Met a handful of new folks by saying yes to more things - random coffee shop hangouts, virtual one-on-ones, and the DTSC game night at TRVE!
  • Went to Develop Happy Hour for the first time in years.
  • Went to an Avs game with my long-time friend (and Rockies photographer) Kyle!
  • Learned how to mess up a couch order, and now we have to wait for a couch til March. Did you know sectionals are described by how you look at them? So... "Left-arm" = arm on the left when you're looking at it, not... physically on the left. Fun.
  • Narrowed down some venues for our mini-wedding! (Botanic Gardens in Denver, maybe!)
  • Drag Race season 15 kicked off, and I'm enjoying it (Jax and Anetra are my favs so far)
  • Absolutely loving The Last of Us on HBO (who isn't?)
  • Binged season one of "Servant" from Apple TV and did not expect it to be so intriguing.
  • Finished three books, working on the 4th! All of them were fantasy, but I've been trying to punch through the Cradle Series by Will Wight; I'm on the most recently published book (Dreadgod). I tend to focus on a series when I'm in it.
  • Personal training is going great, and my weight is stable.
  • My personal trainer has me shooting for 180+ grams of protein a day, which is a lot! That's been my biggest challenge this month.
  • My dad got a successful knee surgery, which should help him out a lot!

Favorite things this month:

  • Wishy Washy station on Apple Music
  • Elden Ring
  • My Kindle Oasis from Jana
  • Generous free plans from apps like, SendGrid, and Airtable
  • Meeting new people
  • Friends who spontaneously invite you to Avs games 🤗

Pics from the month

Photo of a crowd at a hockey game for the Colorado Avalanche
Our seats for the Avs game!
Image of a large off-white couch in a livingroom
What our new couch will look like when I get the right one (this was not the right one, but we disguised it) 

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