Musing about something new...
Putting some thoughts out there into the world about burnout, how I don't actually like talking about development, and a potential new project of mine.
Goodbye Markdown, hello Ghost (and Vercel)
Just a tiny update but I decided to move my blog from markdown to a CMS and ultimately landed on Ghost.
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking
You Have Arrived at Your Destination
You Have Arrived at Your Destination
The Maintenance of Anxiety
Since being diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in January 2022, I've been on a path of reckoning and recalibration. Over time I've learned what my body & mind need and that if I neglect any of these areas, anxiety can start to rumble back up. Here's my maintenance schedule for anxiety...
Redesigning my website for 2022, inspired by... trains?
Much like the shoemakers' children, my website has received very little of the same attention and care that I give to my professional work. This year I wanted to return to my design roots and take a crack at making something for myself that I'd be proud of.