The Lost Temple of Ssis'sythyss
The Lost Temple of Ssis'sythyss
Monthly wrap-up, May 2023
I didn't get much writing done in May, I blame Tears of the Kingdom. Anyway, here's my wrap-up.
A new design, and I can write again!
I tend to fixate. I focus on a problem and tend not to let it go until it's
Light From Uncommon Stars
Light From Uncommon Stars
Monthly wrap-up, April 2023
In this monthly wrap-up, April was about relaxing, taking in the nice weather, and finally doing some things for me.
The buttons are back in town (or cars, thankfully)
I love technology and technological advancements; look at how futuristic the car's interior is! As time went on, though... I realized how much I disliked them.
A straight hit of nostalgia for an... app?
Once upon a simpler time, way back in 2012 before flat design was popular, I created Clear in partnership with
A little review of Horizon Forbidden West™: Burning Shores
In the spirit of writing more, I thought I'd take a crack at jotting down my thoughts on some of the games I've been playing lately, starting with Horizon Forbidden West™: Burning Shores.
Engineering Management for the Rest of Us
Engineering Management for the Rest of Us
Quarterly Goals Check-in, Q1 to Q2
As I mentioned in an older post, My 2023 Priorities and Goals, I would start breaking down priorities and goals into quarters, looking at what went well, and planning how to adjust things in the future, so let's hop right into it!
Monthly Wrap-up, Mar 2023
Back again with a small post for March. I spent a lot of time this month just taking things in and not thinking much, which is exactly what I needed.